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Another Arnhem is a collaborative project designed by Lina Bravo, Tianyi Tong, Lidia Garza, and me as a result of our continuing collective practice during the IMAE program after it was interrupted due to the pandemic.

Our walks, conversations, and experiments in public space started up the conversation about the connection between being an international student and the way we experience and orientate in the city. We decided to open up this question to the community and use it as a way of imagining another Arnhem, and also welcoming new international to the city, using maps as an invitation to play, meet and design together our own personal compass for orienting in the city.

Maps are usually given representation of a territory and an important information source for someone that is new to a place. We believe that creating together collaborative maps of the city is an opportunity to understand Arnhem not as a fixed space one should fit in, but a complex place that creates and recreates itself every day by its community, and by the interactions, encounters, and movements that occur in it.

Another Arnhem (2020)

Research process: performing space exercises, visualizing together and drawing.

Another Arnhem (2020)

After the first research moment, we opened the space for more international students to join, share and create alternative maps of the city of Arnhem. The maps result of this is shared through the open platform.



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